Official Direct Download Link for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (圆4) Windows Vista SP1 36 Languages Final (CD Disc Image ISO format): 66001.18000.080118-1840_x86fre_wave1_ServicePackInstaller-FRMCSP1_CD1.iso (544.4 MB)

Official Direct Download Link for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (圆4) Windows Vista SP1 36 Languages Final (DVD Disc Image ISO format): 6001.18000.080118-1840_iso_client_sp_wave1-FRMCSP1_DVD.iso (1418.1 MB) Official Direct Download Link for 64-bit (圆4) Windows Vista SP1 36 Languages Final (EXE format): (873MB) Official Direct Download Link for 32-bit (x86) Windows Vista SP1 36 Languages Final (DVD Disc Image ISO format): 6001.18000.080118-1840_x86fre_wave1_ServicePackInstaller-FRMCSP1_CD1.iso (544.4MB) Official Direct Download Link for 32-bit (x86) Windows Vista SP1 36 Languages Final (EXE format): (544.3MB) For those who can’t wait, download the version of Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista from direct download links compiled and listed here. However, with millions of customers worldwide, your system’s queue number may run into huge number. Windows Vista SP1 is distributed automatically via Windows Update, Microsoft Update and Automatic Updates (if enabled) beginning ApUS Pacific Time. This all languages Wave 1 version effectively supersedes the Wave0 version. Previously, Microsoft also released Wave 0 of SP1 which consists only 5 languages. The service pack also adds support for new types of hardware and adds support for several emerging standards. Windows Vista SP1 ensure that all previously released updates and changes focused on addressing specific reliability, performance, and compatibility issues been applied on the system. Windows Vista users who has no privilege to download the service pack from TechNet and MSDN subscription sites, where the SP1 for Windows Vista is been released two months earlier, can now download the standalone update package for Windows Vista SP1 to install upgrade the Windows Vista RTM version.

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 for all 36 languages have been released by Microsoft to the general public for free download, a week later than previously rumored.