The data processing used descriptive statistical techniques then mapped the e-learning Readiness index. Collecting data used structured interview with the campus management and then distributing questionnaires.

This research was conducted on student in Cikarang University. In this study, the ELR framework has consist of 4 main components, that are technology, innovation, people and self-development.

Measurement of e-learning readiness implementation is carried out using the ELR framework. This study aims to determine the e-learning readiness of Cikarang University. One of the efforts to reduce COVID-19 cases is a Distance Learning (PJJ) system for all levels of education. Learning applications that are designed are expected to help improve the process of learning English, especially in reading, memorizing, and speaking vocabulary. Researchers succeeded in designing learning applications that can be used as a medium of learning English for the beginner level with the theme of learning by doing. For system analysis and design using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) method. The system development method uses the System Development Live Cycle (SDLC). In implementing the learning application, researchers used Moodle. The research subjects were high school students in class X. The purpose of the research was to design the e-learning of English multimedia-based application by combining concepts consisting of text, images, animation, and video. Aplikasi pembelajaran yang dirancang diharapkan dapat membantu meningkatkan proses belajar bahasa Inggris terutama dalam membaca, menghapal, dan mengucapkan kosakata. Peneliti berhasil merancang aplikasi pembelajaran yang dapat dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk tingkat pemula dengan tema learning by doing. Untuk analisis dan perancangan sistem menggunakan metode Unified Modelling Language (UML). Metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan System Development Live Cycle (SDLC).

Dalam mengimplementasikan aplikasi pembelajaran, peneliti menggunakan Moodle.

Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMA kelas X. Tujuan penelitian adalah merancang aplikasi pembelajaran e-learning bahasa Inggris berbasis multimedia dengan menggabungkan konsep yang terdiri dari teks, gambar, animasi, dan video.